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Grandma lighting manual.grandMA3 User Manual - grandMA3 User Manual - Help pages of MA Lighting International GmbH


A solution for controlling, live-accessing and altering video, still images and 3Dobjectsin real-time All videos, still images and 3D-objects can be scaled, positioned, tiled, colored andmanipulated directly from any grandMA console Gransma 3D Video Layers with full effects capabilities for high-resolution projections e. Grandma lighting manual uses a Windows PC to facilitate the control of video and still images directly fromany grandMA console and runs on readily available PC hardware.

This has manyadvantages. On the one hand a minimum of setup and configuration is required due to bidirectionalcommunication between the console and the grandMA VPU. On the other handthe grandMA console allows for direct access to the server and previews the lightint asthumbnails in the preset. The grandMA VPU enables a console operator to control and alter videos, still images andthree-dimensional objects in real-time from a grandMA lighting console.

Three-dimensionalobjects can be textured with video clips or animated images. Video s, still images and threedimensionalobjects can be manipulated in multiple ways and in the same intuitive manner asa lighting fixture is manipulated from grandma lighting manual grandMA console.

Video s and still grandma lighting manual can be combined, mixed andcontrolled using any grandMA console like a regular посетить страницу источник fixture. For this, several3D video layers are available plus one master layer for PC remote controlling, shaper, irisand scaling settings, Output layers for Shaper, Iris, Effects, Scaling, Camera Positions,Keystone and SoftedgeIn addition, grandMA VPU больше на странице the possibility читать далее choosing any three dimensional object as asurface for video or still images.

Theposition and orientation of these three dimensional objects are fully controllable from the grandMA console. You could start with a cube rotating and progress to a three-dimensionallogo flying around, but from then on, you are only limited by your geandma. Each image or video that granma used at the same grandma lighting manual requires a layer. Since the brightness ofeach layer is controllable, it is possible to cross fade from one video image to another bycross fading from one layer to another.

As a user /9371.txt a grandMA video dongle version either on MA mediaPC or lihhting designed mediaserver you will encounter most likely the following manuzl grandMA video software isinstalled on a computer self grandma lighting manual or mediaPC with libhting content likely the MA originalcontent plus additional custom-made content.

Mainly this will be any QuickTime codedcontent. The grandMA video software might be also installed on additional computers likelaptops to use it as pre-visualization grandma lighting manual control suite stations grandma lighting manual any dongles in use. Now, you can choose from one of the following options Leave everything as it is. You can stay with the grandMA video software grandma lighting manual your lightig content.

Please beaware that the grandMA video software as known today will grandma lighting manual be further developednor be implemented in future grandMA software releases. The VPU grandma lighting manual more integrated into the network than grandMA video ever was Effects are added per layer and per output — each of them can handle 4 effects atthe перейти на источник time.

Colorkeying is built in now — even grandma lighting manual a tolerance value for smooth transitions. Посетить страницу VPU software comes with a maual decoder to ensure best content results.

Thatmeans /22091.txt however — that new content is needed and the new one is based on MPEG-2! All oldshow-files are obsolete due to the fact that the new fixture types are not equal to the grandMA video fixture types! Please contact your local dealer for details. For sure, everybody who invested intodongles will benefit of the new VPU functionality by installing the latest VPU releasesoftware.

Also the decoder has changed for bestperformance results. Gdandma means — however — that new content is needed правы. the bone collector book pdf free free таких the new oneis based on MPEG However, we also offer an exclusive MA-Content-Package from showfootage.

To be precise: from a huge content grandma lighting manual ofrenowned designers you can download SD download keynote for 10, HD clips grandma lighting manual HDclips. How to update your system:After downloading the software from our webpage you just need to install it.

Attention: Manuao the key number!! From now on the software is fully functional. Please be aware of the fact that grandma lighting manual shows from grandMA video cannot be loaded anymore. Therefore the new showfile is absolutelycompatible to grandMA 2. All custom-made content might need to be re-rendered intoMPEG Some functionality has changed as well as some naming. Please refer to thedocumentation like the online manual to grandma lighting manual about it. Major changes in mamual rough overview:Decoder and codec has changed!

At a grandma lighting manual time 3D will be able to grandma lighting manual the result of a VPU output for betterpreprogramming. For grancma further information please get in contact with us — we areglad intel driver windows 10 assist you! There are several formats that can contain MPEG2videos, below are some well known ones:.

They are defined to be able to run severalresolutions like full HD for example. That influences also the bitrate which can vary fromapprox. Codec is short for 'compressor-decompressor', a piece of software that is able to decode andencode a certain format. By this definition, a DirectShow filter is not a codec.

You should have administration rights to install the program. To work with grandMA VPU without administration rights you have to arrange theadministration ссылка by the administrator on the installation path e.

Windows Vista in startup of the VPUtarget machines. It takes care of the right program location and paths. Navigate to the wanted folder and select the file. Click OK to proceed. After the installation isfinished, the VPU software will restart and the new version is automatically startingafterwards.

Manyal grandma lighting manual useful for you to recallthis data whenever you encounter problems in the VPU software that cannot be solved by asoftware update. You can use Acronis lighring well to store and recover your own backups.! Grandma lighting manual Do hrandma store or delete any files in the Acronis Secure Zone! Адрес is your lifesaver whenever it gets serious! The Secure Zone shall only be used tostore 1 factory default file! Your images can be stored on Drive D of the internal hard disk or on any external USBstorage device that holds enough space to store your data.

Grandma lighting manual means that you should restart the machine andpress F11 during grandma lighting manual. If you pressed F11 too early, you lightinng beprompted to enter a Linux kernel command line. Manial is not anerror. The reason is that you are now entering the protected area of the system. This will list you all available backups. If you arerestoring an Image from an external memory, than you should click browse for backup toselect the image from you memory:Then browse to you your memory, select you image and click OK.

It will be listed. If lightiing are restoring from Acronis Secure Zone do the same as described above, your SecureZone is listed as a normal Drive. A right click with the mouse on the image will give you several options. You should only choose to restore the partition, not the master boot record or the SecureZone.

To restore a partition make sure to choose the right location. Make sure not to copy the content partition on the grandma lighting manual partition! Do not backup or restore the Acronis Secure Zone since ligbting part geandma grandma lighting manual permanent backup of the VPU and should never be changed. The next step is more or less unimportant.

Choose next and do not activate the validationbackup mark. The next step is to click on proceed and start the recovery of the image. Since MA Lighting wants to give you the factory settings for trouble shooting, do neverdelete, change or store grandma lighting manual in the Acronis Secure Zone.

Otherwise you will have to reformat that mankal with the NTFS file system. If you wantto backup the system partition of the VPU, then just select the C: partition. If you want towrite a backup of your complete hard disk, then select the corresponding disk button toselect all partitions on that disk. The Acronis Secure Zone shall lightting be part of a backup orlater be restored later back onto that hard disk.

When everything has been set right, choose next to proceed. To write your image onto any memory, вот ссылка the place to store. The file name is at your grzndma, however: it makes sense to add the date of creation to thefile so you can easier track your files. Click on next to proceed. Choose Full as the backup method. Click next to proceed. No files shall be excluded in the image so do not check any of gransma options in grandma lighting manual next step.

In the last step before actually writing the image make sure to add some comments. This is identical with the file name for the created backup. After inserting all these information click on the next button and you will get a summary.

Read all the entered information carefully again before starting lightnig grandma lighting manual. Lightiing on proceed to start the back.

You should always get a positive message at the lihhting ofthe process. If not, check what went wrong. This should be done gdandma opening gtandma file browser in the VPU software and by copying thecomplete content folder of drive D to your USB device. Just make grandma lighting manual that loghting connect yourstorage device before you switch to the internal file browser of the VPU because otherwise itmay not be listed as a possible option.

In the application click on the file browser tab.



Grandma lighting manual.grandMA3 User Manual


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